A Complete Guide about Aims and Objectives for Dissertation Writing

When you talk about the importance of a dissertation, each part is important. But there are certain elements of the dissertation that has been considered crucial because of the dependency of other elements of the dissertation on it. Aims and objectives are one of these essential and crucial elements of the dissertation. For making a dissertation successful, it is very important to rightly formulate the aims and objectives of the dissertation. The scope, depth, and direction of the dissertation are dependent on aims and objectives. The correct aims and objectives make the research purpose, method, and results of the research clear, and understandable to the reader.


According to dissertation writing services, the aims of the research are the main goal or purpose of conducting research. It tells what the focus of the studies is. Aims tell the readers about why this research has been done. A research aim is generally defined as a wide explanation of the principle objective of the research and can go long from a solitary sentence to a short passage. Though the specific arrangement may change as indicated by inclination, they should all portray why your research is required, what it decides to achieve, and, momentarily, how it expects to achieve it.


The research objective tells you about how you will achieve our aims. In the research objective, the research aim is divided into several smaller aims or goals. And each sub aim is related to the main sections of the dissertation. Sometimes the research objective is replaced by the research question.

How Research Aims Are Different from Research Objectives:

Both research aims and research objectives are dependent on each other, and there is a clear difference between them. Research aims tell about why the research is conducted, and research objectives tell how the aim of the research will be achieved. The aims of the dissertation are broad and are based on long-term results. The objectives of the dissertation are specific and are based on short-term results. The research aim is a single sentence whereas, the research objectives are more than one sentence in the form of a list.

Writing Aims and Objectives of the Dissertation:

There is no specific or defined way or rules for writing the aims and objectives of the dissertation. They are either written in the format required by the universities or the researcher writes them in his format based on the format of the dissertation. While writing the aims and objectives for a dissertation, the writer must keep in mind the following points.
  1. The aim of the dissertation is depended on three questions, what, why, and how. Each of these three questions must be addressed in its separate sentence.
  2. Your research aims need not be restricted to one. A few people characterize one comprehensive general point of a project and afterward embrace a few explicit research aims for their proposal or exposition. Keep in mind, notwithstanding, that all together for your supervisor to consider your research project successful and complete, you should demonstrate you have satisfied the entirety of the aims you set off to accomplish. Consequently, while having more than one research point is not disadvantageous, think about whether as a solitary general one will do.
  3. The research objectives of your dissertation are always designed according to the popular and suggested objective setting strategy SMART. According to this goal and objective setting strategy, the objectives of the dissertation must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
  4. Objectives of the dissertation are always written in the form of a numeric list.

Do’s And Don’ts of the Aims and Objectives of the Dissertation:

  • Do not make your aims of the dissertation too broad always keep them specific. Broad aims are difficult to achieve.
  • A good and thorough understanding of the dissertation topic is necessary for formulating the right aims and objectives of the dissertation.
  • In the results, you have to prove that you have successfully achieved all the aims of your dissertation.
  • Accomplishing a group of aims doesn't mean demonstrating or negating a hypothesis or theory, regardless of whether your research point was to, however having accomplished sufficient work to give a helpful and unique knowledge into the rules that underlie your research point.
  • The objectives of the dissertation must be realistic that can be achieved in the given time.

The Bottom Line:

The correct and clear formulation of the aims and objectives of the dissertation demands that the researcher must have a clear understanding of the research topic and its purpose.

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